PTO Information

Fundraising Campaign Information


We hope you have all received your link from BetterWorld to start your fundraising campaign site for your student!  We were under the impression that the link would include our prize list but were mistaken.  Instead, we are emailing out the prize list now and they are posted to the WMS PTO Facebook Page also.
The BetterWorld fundraiser is a cumulative campaign with additional incentives when school resumes in the fall. 

Students will have ALL SUMMER to collect donations from their family and friends to earn the prizes on the sheet.  This is a student specific fundraiser and siblings will not be able to combine donations sites. In blended households if each parent wants to create their own page for the same student that is ok, we combine two accounts for the same student in the fall.  

Our goal is to reach or exceed our budget and avoid having deliverable sales during the school year. We have gotten multiple feedback about too many fundraisers between school, sports, and extracurriculars, and we heard you. With deliverable fundraisers only a percentage of sales goes to our students, and that percentage keeps dropping. With this new approach,  ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TO OUR STUDENTS!!  We won't pay the company that runs the fundraising site ANYTHING!  This allows us to have more profits that we can use to reward the students!! Just a reminder the PTO budget funds all field trip expenses, additional student activities (such as class shirts), and the free books from the book fair.

If you haven't seen an email from BetterWorld yet please check the email you have registered with the school.  If you still don't see one please reply to this email and we can send you a new link.

Did you get your link but you still have some questions? HERE is a link to Better Worlds FAQ page for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Participant Pages.