#breakaleg #youmakeusproud
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
Tonight, we formally announced the names of our Alumni Hall of Fame members to the community. Command Sergeant Major Ted L. Copeland (83) was in attendance at the game. This year's other inductees are Dr. Belinda Andrews-Smith (82) and Dr. Sarah Louise Barber (83).
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
Tonight, formally announced the names of our Alumni Hall of Fame members to the community. Command Sergeant Major Ted L. Copeland (83) was in attendance at the game. This year's other inductees are: Dr. Belinda Andrews-Smith (82) and Dr. Sarah Louise Barber (83)
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
T Copeland
Konnor Roberts is always willing to help no matter what is asked of him. On Friday nights, he helps Mr. Rex get ready for basketball. During the week, Konnor helps the custodians too. Thank you for bringing happiness to our lives Konnor, and thank you for being a Redskin.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
K Roberts
CALLING WAPAKONETA AREA CATERERS & RESTAURANTS! We are are now accepting catering proposals for PROM 2023, which will be held on Saturday May 6. If you would like to cater dinner for our juniors and seniors attending Prom please email a proposal to prom@wapak.org. Please include: Menu & Pricing Terms and Policies, including what the school will need to provide Explanation of how your business will organize the serving/plating and how many volunteers you will need from us. Information that will be helpful to you: All proposals must be in by 8am on February 14, 2023 Dinner is served at 7:30. Initial set up must be complete by 6pm. Dinner will need to be plated and served to our students, we prefer not to use a buffet line. There will be between 250-300 meals The ideal meal would balance the formal nature of Prom with a teenage palate. Ideal price per meal would not exceed $12 and should not include desert. Ideal meal options would include the choice of two entrees. Student can make this choice when ordering prom tickets. Vegetarian and allergy free options may be needed. Questions can also be directed to prom@wapak.org
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
ATTENTION SENIORS: If you know what college you are going to attend, please stop by the office and pick up a senior college form to fill out. We will put your name up in the cafeteria under the college you are going to!
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
8th Grade Memory Book sale begins January 13 and goes through February 5th. Forms have been sent home with students and emailed/texted to parents. We also have forms available in the main office. Orders are accepted online at: orders.langephotographics.com * Enter code: QK3X3UNG. Price is $16.00
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
There will be a College Credit Plus (CCP) meeting in the WHS cafeteria on January 17th at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested in taking college credit classes, please attend this meeting for all information.
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
Check out the All-star group of wapak alumni who are current engineering students at college. They came back and sat on an Engineering panel to answer questions from our current students about engineering and college. Thank you to John Doll, Sherry Zhao, Tyler Ricketts, Ethan Porter, Nikane Ambos, Zach Rogers, and Grant Honigford.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
SENIOR REMINDERS: 1. If you have not ordered your cap & gown yet, please do this ASAP. Prices will increase every month until graduation. You can log onto: www.herffjones.com. 2. Senior pictures are due by the end of January. Please submit a picture to Mrs. Lamarr! 3. All fees must be paid by the end of April in order to walk at the graduation ceremony. 4. PLAN AHEAD - Graduation practice will be on Wednesday, May 24th and is mandatory! Graduation will be on Saturday, May 27th at 10:30 a.m. More info to come. Please see Mrs. Whitmore in the office if you have any questions about graduation.
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT 2023 - Sunday, January 15th in the High School gym. 12:30 p.m. $40 per team. Register online at www.wapak.org by Thursday, January 12th. Only one registration per team. First 20 teams will be accepted. See Mrs. Rosebrock for more info.
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
We have paperwork in the office for the GOD, FLAG AND COUNTRY Speech Contest sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Cash prizes! The contest will be held on February 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Eagles . Please stop by and pick up a packet if you are interested!
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
FOOTBALL SCHEDULE: Attention to any student interested in playing football this year: Weight Lifting will begin on Tuesday, January 3rd from 3-5 p.m. We will begin in the cafeteria. Please have your workout clothes and tennis shoes with you! Lifting will be on Monday and Wednesday from 5:55 a.m-7:20 a.m. and Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3-5 p.m. Lifting on Friday will be at 5:55 a.m. if we miss a Monday-Thursday workout. Lifting will be cancelled if school is cancelled for inclement weather. If we're on a 2 hour delay for inclement weather morning lifting will begin @ 7:55 a.m.
over 1 year ago, Angie Whitmore
The next ACT Test will be offered at WHS on February 11. Registration is due by January 6. To register please visit: https://www.act.org/content/act/en.html
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
ACT Logo
Ethan is a kindhearted kid who works hard both in school and out of school at his job at McDonald's . He is always super polite and willing to go out of his way to help out in any way he can! Thank you, Ethan, for being a positive role model and thank you for being a Redskin.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Knoch
The WHS French Club helped First United Methodist Church and Auglaize County Job and Family Services collect toys and clothes for children this Christmas! Thank you to our kids and their advisors for getting involved in community service and wanting to help others.
over 1 year ago, Aaron Rex
French club
The next ACT Test will be offered at WHS on December 10. Registration is due by November 4. To register please visit: https://www.act.org/content/act/en.html
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Knoch
ACT Logo
Mr. Elchert’s Phys Ed classes enjoyed a great week of playing Pickleball. Thank you to the volunteers who came in to work with our students.
almost 2 years ago, Zane McElroy
Mr. Sammons’s Honors Biology class is playing the board game Cytosis to learn about cell parts and their functions. Who knew learning about the cell could be so much fun!
almost 2 years ago, Scott Minnig
Mr. Sammons’s Honor Biology Class